The Dispute Solutions Hub

Who We Are

Learn more about who we are and how we help achieve effective solutions for all kinds and aspects of actual and incipient disputes and conflicts.

TDSH is a collective of highly skilled and experienced full-time independent, self-employed, Mediators, Negotiators, and Conflict Resolvers, committed to the culture, practice, and utilization of Mediation – Authentic Mediation – and its principles and values, in the resolution of conflicts and disputes in business and personal transactions and in the workplace environment.

TDSH Mediators are referred to collectively as the TDSH Roundtable and they are committed to pursuing the practice of Authentic Mediation to the highest professional and on ethical standards and guidelines, which ensure high-quality and fair mediation processes.

TDSH approach is anchored on an “out-of-the-box” – “there is no box, period!” – attitude and outlook to the resolution of disputes and conflicts.

The TDSH Roundtable members, individually and collectively, aim to play a crucial role in developing and advancing the understanding and authentic practice of Mediation as a viable and effective dispute resolution method for both domestic and international commercial disputes and conflicts.

The TDSH Roundtable also facilitates collaboration among its members and other mediators, legal experts, policymakers, and other stakeholders, providing a forum to share knowledge and develop comprehensive mediation strategies.

TDSH gives clients optimum access to the best in Mediation and Conflict Management services and advisories, including helping with proactive steps in the development and implementation of a pro-active dispute and conflict management policy, including inter alia, targeted litigation docket reduction.

I love the way clients’ eyes light up, when I have been able to demonstrate to them the positive ‘bottom-line’ impact potential of having a strategic conflict management and dispute resolution policy.”

However, as may be appropriate, through Adeyemi-Akisanya Associates, and other Associated Firms and Institutions, TDSH will also manage or arrange for the handling of vigorous litigation, arbitration, or adjudication, on behalf of clients.  Notably, some of the Roundtable members are also accredited arbitrators and experienced advocates and litigators.

The Vision

To create a Mediation and ADR Institution that provides excellent, innovative, reliable, effective, and integrity-driven solutions to the highest professional and ethical standards and in accordance with international best practices.

The Mission

a. Promoting Mediation, and related consensual and conciliatory processes, as the preferred mode of resolving disputes and conflicts;

b. Turn conflict challenges into opportunities for stability, growth, innovation, and change; and

c. Create, foster, and expand a network of expert Mediators and conflict resolvers.



Love & Responsiveness

Non-violent Communication

Respect for Clients and Concerns



